Friday, June 20, 2008

Did I tell you we're getting married?

Now that we have gotten into it, it's very exciting. I'm the cynical one but damn, this is really cool. I never in my life thought that I would be getting married. But WE are.
I love you honey bunny.

Hate is such a strong word.

I hate how the US has lost it's position as care giver of the world. The good guys. The freedom fighter for those that can't. We're the bully when it comes to finding oil but what about all the other stuff going on. US manufacturing, farming, mining?
We have lost it all to the most inhumane, slave driven, ecologically disastrous, nation in the world. The one we used to fend off from spilling over and destroying cultures (remember the late 60-early 70s). I hate China.

Pregnant children

I just read about the surge of pregnant teens in Gloucester, MA. Though there is no proof at this point, it has been suggested they talked about becoming pregnant as a group thing. They were all to become pregnant at the same time and then they would take care of each other. How F.Uped is this? And there children will suffer the consequences of it all. Whether the group action is true or not, for girls to become pregnant at such a young age is crazy!
One of my Xs often bemoaned, "It's easier to have a baby than get a driver's license."

Then you have the 12 year old girl who chase down the 18 year jerk than ran off with her Lemonade stand earnings. She had him cornered in his house until police came and took him away. You go girl.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Not guilty

R. Kelly was found not guilty of sex with a minor. Justice? Maybe it wasn't him in the video. Why did his defense team drag this on for years?


My company recently hired a new Project Manger only to realize he has obviously exaggerated his experience. He's now up to his neck in a mult million $$ project and the profit is trickling out his ear..
At the end of the day we're going to have to count our loses and hopefully get him on a simple project as the dust settles. No one can go in and salvage the wreck the project has become.
Lesson: Go with you gut!

Monday, June 9, 2008

IT IS about gender

Dianne Fienstien hosted a meeting between Obama and Hillary last week. Today it was reported that she said gender did have a large influence on the Democratic outcome and suggested Obama better recognize the slam Hillary got and offer her the VP job. A lot of people voted for her and are not ready to jump on the Obama band wagon.
I heard she might be offered the position of Secretary of State. That would work.
Just because Obama is the candidate, doesn't mean I will like him. If I did wouldn't I have been supporting him all along? Having a woman VP would certainly help me along a bit.