Thursday, July 24, 2008

It takes a village.

How does a group of kids, sitting in a booth at Fresh Choice, get away with swearing, using the N word, lingering way beyond a lunch hour, without an adult (or another kid) saying anything to them?
I stopped and stared and they seemed to shut up. What about the adults sitting on either side?
I was just walking by. Maybe someone eventually said something because as I went back to get something from the line, they were pretty quiet.
Adults must speak up! I bet their parents would be horrified to hear their boys talking like this. Hey, it takes a village.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


An unusual stop at the grocery store:
The deli lady offered me a sample and was very pleasant. She spoke English too.
A guy who had stepped away from the grocery line for a second. When I noticed the cart and his return (at the same time), he allowed me to go in front as he saw I had just a few items. Shopping was a not so bad an experience!

And then there was the guy who expected me to look up a number for him when I told him I couldn't help him but gave him a lead on where to find what he needed. . . and he never said thank you. Ass.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Strolling of the Heiffers

You've heard of the 'Running of the Bulls' in Spain.
Brattelboro, VT celebrates their bovines by leading them on a leisurely stroll through the center of town. It will be followed by a rowdy concert staring that rabble rouser Pete Singer. Of course this is all to benefit the local farming community.
You gotta' love VT!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


245 days until I give my 2 week notice!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

People do not change

I just spent a few days with family on the other coast. It was a wonderful trip as it's always good to be in New England and I really do miss my sisters and bros.
We're the older generation now and that sucks..oh well.
Out of the blue (I'm sure it took all she could muster), my youngest sister brought up moving in with the significant other. She quickly followed up the announcement with, "She has changed". (Is it the result of a very sad event in her family?) Another sister and and I sat with our jaws hitting the lovely hardwood floors, in shock.
This changed person is the one I saw verbally tear apart a teenage host at a restaurant the night before, because we sat down for pizza a few minutes later than he originally told us!
I know this one little event is not a big deal in itself but it is a reflection of something more. It is a behavior that we grew up with and feared constantly. It's an extension of emotional abuse. The poor public behavior witnessed is the same one drilled into you at home. You become the one not doing it right, the lazy ass, the one that doesn't get it. "You're lucky I'm here. No one else will put up with this!"
My sweetie sister has been putting up with this shit for a few years, without having made a commitment. She was slowly developing her vertebrae and taking the crap less and less. Now, because the abuser is melancholy, she's changed?
Dammit, people do not change!