Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween from Hope Cemetary

The Barre, VT area was home to some major Granite quarries. Talented stone cutters from Italy came to work the quarries and in their free time they would sculpt. Many made their own grave stones and for their friends.
They're fantastic!

From the Apt.

As my time in this apt is short, I'm getting a bit carried away with 'view' photos. Here are a few more with the fog rolling over Twin Peaks and downtown with fog weaving through the canyons of buildings.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

From A & S's garden

A lucky shot.

High Holiday!

I've been blog challenged.
Halloween. Ah, my favorite holiday. Actually when you grow up with a mother who thought Halloween was more important than Christmas you can't help but enjoy it.
She always made our costumes. Not sewn. Made. There was the single eyeball made out of the largest beach ball she could fine. When you're 8 or so it covered you whole body. Picture one eyeball stumbling down the road, in the darkness of a New England fall evening. And then there was the year my sister was the Jolly Green Giant. The green didn't come out of her hair for weeks.
Once we were a tribe of cannibals. This was in the early 60's, mind you. Wearing those fox furs from your grandmother and burlap tied around your waste was pretty intense. Never mind the mop head she died black and stuck wire in to have it stand on end. Adorable.
I think of Halloween as Mother's Day.

Monday, October 6, 2008

A few wedding photos

Our wonderful cake and a fabulous piece of artwork from our friends Tracey and Shirley.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

We tied the knot

It has certainly been an exciting few days. My beloved and I got married Fri afternoon at S.F. City Hall. It was a beautiful ceremony surrounded by wonderful friends and family. My sisters and one niece made the journey from back east. Friends from MA and KY also came. Spouse A's sister was a witness and my dear friend, M was the other. (According to the gender free license, I'm Spouse B)
After dinner we had an appetizer and champagne reception at the wonderful old St Francis hotel. I think it was a beautiful, old fashion gathering for a couple of old fashion lesbian gals.
It's Sunday night and we are just exhaused. I will download some photos later in the week.
Tonight, we will rest.