Monday, September 14, 2009

How does one get away with this?

A 61 year old girls basketball coach repeatedly rapes a 16 year old autistic child under his tutelage and all he gets is 2 1/2 years, max.
Sex is legal with a 16 year old in North Carolina.
She's not retarded, only disabled. According to the law, she should have been able to just said no.
The bastard that took advantage of this kid was arrested for having sexual relationship with someone under his temporary guardianship. Hell, even if that was the appropriate call, which it wasn't, 2 1/2 years is far too little time to spend in prison being someone's bitch.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Trying to be cool.

I listen to 'Accuradio ( from my desk often. They have all sorts of stations to choose from...Broadway tunes to French Canadian Pop. I lean towards Broadway, the 70s's and Traditional Folk Music.
Well, I was going to give Contemporary R&B and Urban sounds a try. I was grooving with the tunes. Sure. Hell, I wouldn't know Chris Brown if he hit me.
I'm more of a Motown chick.
Well, I finally liked a song sung by a girl group named 'Total'. I even did a Wikipedia search. They disbanded in 2000.
How cool am I?