Thursday, July 16, 2009

He throws like a girl!

Since the suggestion came from the mouth of Rush "the Oxy Ass' Limbaugh, I don't think it was a compliment. It seems like all the sports sites on the web have used the same line.
I doubt if many men of Obama's age, could throw any better than he did but that's not why I felt a need to comment.
My issue is why is it a weakness thing and why does weak = girlie, girl? And unless you're into beating the crap out of someone, or need to kill a large animal with your bare hands to bring back to your breeder in the cave, tools and weapons have somewhat leveled the physical strength playing field. Sarah Palin can drop a moose with one shot.
Actually any man would be damn lucky to be able throw like a girl..say like Cat Osterman, Jennie Finch or the 3 time Olympic gold metal winner, Lisa Fernandez. My favorite all time softball star, Spouse A, never allowed a stolen base from her position as catcher.
Girls can throw.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Straight old men are asses

Find me a Republican man over, say 60, that isn't a misogynist ass hole and I'll give you a hundred bucks. You say this makes me a bigot? I'm just point out an honest observation.
I sense that these Neanderthals, though most seem to have some grey matter in their head, don't realize that they are a dying breed. They are foul, sexist, and bigoted and are keeping up the front even though they lost the war.
Anne Landers said years ago, that men (or women for that matter) are not to be forgiven for their social or professional indiscrections related to contempory social standards. An old man should not get away with a tasteless sexist or racist joke any more than anyone else.
'Forgive the old guy, he doesn't know life has moved on. . " Bullshit.
What? He didn't get the freakin' memo that the 50's are over? Hell, the 60's which were not the most progressive times for women or people of color, are also a fading memory.
I'm going to start taking pictures and posting them under 'jack asses'.

Monday, July 6, 2009

What's with the freakin Stock Market?

We finally got to the point were we could gamble a bit on the Stock Market...and this was 2 years ago, and it wasn't a big gamble. It's falling faster than my sense of job security.
When and were will this end?