Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Religions A La Carte

I haven't posted lately because I have recognized and now celebrate my laziness.
That being said, have you seen the news about the Anglican Church members being welcomed into the One, Holy and Apostolic Catholic church? How nice.
Anglicans, once upon a time, broke away from the old fashion, fuddy duddy, catholics because the church had an issue with d-i-v-o-r-c-e. It appears they might be craving some of those old time conservative values they shunned so long ago.
The Anglican church is very much in line with the teachings of the catholic church, using the Bible and old catholic teachings but with a bit of the Reformation tossed in where needed to mellow out those old Roman rules.
So now the Anglicans are ticked off that women can become priests, gays can get married, and the worse case scenario, a gay can become a priest (Bishop even!!!). Jesus, what next? A married lesbian priest?
Well, the club that wanted to break away because the constraints of man made rules didn't suit their needs, is now angry that they are loosing that power to a new society where white, powerful men don't reign supreme.
Aren't churches all a bit crazy?

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