Monday, November 24, 2008

Maddow's Thumbs

Spouse A pointed out Rachel's thumb remind her of Sissy's (Uma Thurman) in "Even Cowgirls Get the Blues". Now I can't keep my eyes off them.

The movie was so bad, it was good. The sound track really is good. The book, by Tom Robbins..I don't know. 'Didn't read it.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

No lasts

I was in Boston recently. I love Boston. Sometimes I wonder where I would be if I hadn't left 17 years ago. I don't regret the move, Spouse A being the most important reason, but I really do love the city. I have a facebook link for pics and keeping up w/neices at school. I had posted that I was sorry about thowing a 9-iron while playing a horrible game of golf yesterday. An old friend from Boston commented..."It was 27 degrees in Boston. Stop the whinning."
Oh, the "No Lasts" thing. This is the beginning of our last holiday season in the area, I tear up when I hear this is your/our last. I really don't need to be reminded.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sat night

After an evening at 'The Big Company's' convention party, I was left with a need for some nourishment. Something other than those little party appetizers and fondue. I had room service deliver a sandwich.
It was good to get out of the dress shoes and outfit and just relax after doing business talk all day.
After finishing the sandwich and dessert I put the tray in the corridor for pick-up. The entries are in a bit of an alcove, set back from the corridor. I pushed the tray out a bit further so neither my next door neighbor or myself would trip over it. I pushed it a little further out and heard 'click'. I'm in the business. I know what that means.
The door shut and locked behind me. I am now standing, outside my room, at about 11:30 pm in a Patriots T-shirt and big old lady white cotton underwear. Pure horror.
I stared at the lock as if the power of D.D. could open it. Dumb ass.
I then knocked on 3 nearby doors until a ladies voice said she would call the front desk.
As I heard her call, a gentleman walked by. He was very gracious, giggling only slightly, commenting on the fact he had the same T-shirt.
The front desk guy come along in a few minutes. It felt like forever. I apologized for the outfit and all he said was, "At least you have clothes on".
Was he suggesting people get locked out there naked or was he thinking that he might have lost his eyesight if he found me standing there with less on that I had?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Get out there on Saturday and get mad!

Protests will be held from coast to coast this Sat, the 15th, over the passing of Prop 8 or 'H8' as we call it here in the 'hood.
I'm heading back east for a D.D. convention and will hopefully get to City Hall. Boston's City Hall is adjacent to the site of where our demand for our liberties where first fought. John Adams lectured on freedom from England on the steps of Fanueil Hall. Protesters planned the Boston Tea Party from the Old South Meeting House on the corner of Washington. And the Boston Massacre was just down State Street.
The last time I was in Fanueil Hall was to celebrate the passage of the Gay Civil Right Law of MA which passed in '89 but not cleared of bureaucratic stuff until '91. Hopefully we won't have to wait that long this time.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Rally in the Castro, Nov 7.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Some pics from the Castro

The day after the election.
A declaration thanking those that supported No on 8 and the Rainbow Flag at Half-staff with a black banner attached.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We're devastated.

Prop 8 passed taking away my right to be married.

Oh ya, we voted for the new guy. A black guy. Ohh...times are changing! I even heard a political pundent say the final political taboo has been shattered.
OK. So women may as well just quit trying since this was the LAST barrier to be broken.
And even Obama, the new Messiah, doesn't believe in my right to marry.
Excuse me as I sit out at the party celebrating his election.
Besides, I best stay home and wait for those 2 young missionaries to come and repossess my wedding license.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Grant me a weak moment.

OK. I know it's election day and there are important things to discuss BUT. . Did you hear Dr Erika was fired from Grey's Anatomy? Damn. Just when Spouse A would put up with watching it, relegating her CSI to On Demand, they go and fire Erika, closing down the one storyline worth following.
You see Dr Callie Torres (very hot) the orthopedic surgeon and Dr Erika Hahn(smart and less crabby since they've had sex), the heart surgeon, fell in love. It has been well done and we certainly looked forward to how the relationship progressed. It is (was) the only gay story line on network TV!
They're played by Sara Ramirez and Brooke Smith.
Read about it at 'After'

Saturday, November 1, 2008

No on 8

It's a no brainer.
It's a matter of civil rights.
My marriage only effects my life and the life of Spouse A.
Taking away our civil right continues the reign of the "Taliban of religious zealots" stealing liberties in the name of their god.
Is their mission any different than what our noble soldiers are supposedly fighting against in the middle east?
I've been asked what we would do if 8 passes? I really don't know.
I will boycott any businesses that have donated to the passage. I will join the many others who will sue the state for my marriage to be recognized.
And I think I will come out as the Atheist that I am.
Maybe if people realized there are many who do not buy the theism and doctrine created by religious cults, they wouldn't be afraid to just say, "No". No to their ability to change our civil laws, education, choices and freedom in the name of their gods.
Keep it in your church, not in my life and not in my marriage.

How did the Bible, Book of Mormon and the Qur'an get into my civil liberties?

What do you think Lincoln would do?