Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Get out there on Saturday and get mad!

Protests will be held from coast to coast this Sat, the 15th, over the passing of Prop 8 or 'H8' as we call it here in the 'hood.
I'm heading back east for a D.D. convention and will hopefully get to City Hall. Boston's City Hall is adjacent to the site of where our demand for our liberties where first fought. John Adams lectured on freedom from England on the steps of Fanueil Hall. Protesters planned the Boston Tea Party from the Old South Meeting House on the corner of Washington. And the Boston Massacre was just down State Street.
The last time I was in Fanueil Hall was to celebrate the passage of the Gay Civil Right Law of MA which passed in '89 but not cleared of bureaucratic stuff until '91. Hopefully we won't have to wait that long this time.

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